At Luxicas, we always build our business based on Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction, we always offer REPLICA 1:1 high-quality goods at an affordable price and with a firm fair pricing policy. We provide not only the best goods but also the best services, our services staff will do their best to meet your needs and solve problems. However, sometimes a return or an exchange policy is necessary. We have the best policy regarding customer satisfaction and will accept your items back should they be faulty in any way.

We agree to the return/exchange policy of the order from 7 days of receiving the order.

1. Return/ Exchange Products Policy:
All products may be returned/refunded or exchanged within 7 days of receipt subject to the following rules.
Quality issue:
Received goods damaged or broken on arrival
Wrong goods/Size/Color/Quantity delivered

Good Condition: All items must be returned in unused/intact condition. Please return the original package with complete attachments including leaflets, tags, dust bags, carrying cases, etc. The customer will be charged a shipping fee which is non-refundable.

2. Non-Returnable Products:
We do not agree to the returns/refund requests in the following cases:

Return/Refund/Exchange goods more than 7 days allowed
You are not satisfied with our items when you receive them
The wrong or incomplete shipping address was provided by the customer.
Not interested anymore in the product.
The new product has a smell.

3. Terms of return of goods: Please carefully follow our returns process to save time:
If you can not satisfy with our products, please contact us via email:
A. Please provide us with some received pictures ( Especially damaged parts.. )
B. Order information:
Order number,
Product name,
Reason for return.

4. Return Shipping Costs:
All claim requests must be accepted by the order processing representative via Email support. If you are not satisfied with your order, please email or send us an Email/SMS request.
The customer will pay the shipping cost (Including Shipping fees for a return or exchange) and be NON-REFUNDABLE.
Shipped Orders Cannot be canceled once shipped.